maandag 11 februari 2008

Trip to Sweden

Saturday the new owner of Tastable Teguila came to pick him op,
the trip went fine he behaved himself very well
Wen he Arrived at his new home he saw for the first time snow!!
Teguila's new owner is Susanna Lindkvist (kennel Pocashontas)
from Sweden, She has also Beatiful leonbergers.

donderdag 7 februari 2008

Lochbay's Denver

Denver is 5 monhts old now. He develops nicely and is
here on the picture with Henny v.d.Berg (Dukes Paradijs)
Dever is bred by Joke Tucker van den Berg (LochbayKennel

Tete A Tete left for the USA

This Monday Tete A Tete left for the USA, She will live
at the Lochbay Kennel (Joke Tucker ,van den Berg)
in the USA.
it was a long trip but everything went ok.

zondag 3 februari 2008

Last 3 puppies 10 weeks old

Tete A Tete

Total triumph

Tasteble Tequila

Tea Time At Fionnmaë

Tea Time At Fionnmaë leaving for Begium , she will be living with  Elly

The moment she set foot in Elly's home she reacted liked she has always has lived there.