dinsdag 20 mei 2008

puppies updated

bitch puppy nr 5 purple lease

puppies updated bitch puppy nr 4 red lease

puppies updated nr 3 yellow lease bitch puppy

puppies updated

pupy bitch nr 2 with a blue lease

puppies updated Bitches nr 1 black lease

Bitch puppy nr 1 with the white tale

puppies updated nr3 green lease

puppy nr 3 male red lease

this puppies are smaller then i am used to have but i know this is abselute the line, and will grow as normal Irishwolfhounds
it is a long time that i had this, but i am realy seprised off the qalety.
there was a anonime reactie, that i most give them more food, thats abselute not the point ,they are realy healty, and that anonime person is wrong.

puppies updated puppy 2 red lease

maandag 19 mei 2008

puppies updated

This male puppy is with the white lease

visit from Sweden

Last weekand we had a whippet Champion Clubshow were Anette Edlander from Sweden
have judged the Bitches.
She is also breeder off Irish Wolfhounds, and stay a copple off days, and we take some pictures off the puppies.
the puppies are now 5 weeks old.

dinsdag 13 mei 2008

Femke's puppies updated

Female puppy nr 5
Today the puppies are 4 weeks old, and groing well.

This are the Females

maandag 12 mei 2008

Femke's puppies updated

female puppy nr 4

Femke's puppies updated

female puppy nr 3

Female puppy nr 3

Femke's puppies updated

female puppy nr 2

Femke's puppies updated

This are the Females nr 1

Femke's puppies updated

puppy male nr 3

Femke's puppies updated

puppy male nr 2

Femke's puppies updated

Puppies from CH. Femme Fatale are now 4 weeks old.

It is very difigult to take a picture on this age, and the collar

could be better. puppy male , nr. 1

zondag 11 mei 2008

Lagecy Stardust


here i met Bixou the siamese
Look how nice i am standing
Here Dusty met my girls

Arived on the airport, after a long trip

Today i get my new puppy, from Lisa Blanchard USA

I am realy plaesed to have him, his name is

Lagecy Stardust (Dusty) after a long trip he was happy and total claen, wath a serprice and a wonderful carracter he have,

Thanks Lisa , i liked him a lot.

Thanks to Magiel marijnissen , he take him for me, because he was there for his work.

woensdag 7 mei 2008

Femke's puppies updated

Today the puppies are 3 weeks old and all 8 puppies groing well.