dinsdag 25 mei 2010


showresult at Talavera De La Reina (Spain)
This is the winner show from Spain

Result Dare Devil Fionnmaë Exl. 1 CAC and CACIB and BOB
Judge Mr. Jose Homem de Mello from Portugal
Handling by Mr.Francisco A. Alonso Fernandés were Devil stay
for a little wile, thanks Francisco for showing my dog.
picture is taken by Henny v.d. Berg
It was a great weekend for me!!

zondag 23 mei 2010


Gelsenkirchen (D) CAC show
Judge Mrs. Bjorg Foss Sweden.
Exl. 1 youthclass Junior CAC ,Junior VDH, Best Male , BOB and
Junior BIS
Exl. 1 openclass CAC AND BOS
thanks Dennis that you did a exelent jop .

zondag 16 mei 2010

Stichting de Ierse Wolfshond 10 jaar!

Op 30 mei viert Stichting de Ierse Wolfshond haar 10 jarig jubleum in de tuin van Kasteel de Kelder te Doetinchem. Niet alleen is er een keltish/middeleeuwse markt met diverse marktkooplieden, muzikale optredens door folkband Unicorn en Beithar er is ook een workshop trimmen door Moniqu Boere van trimsalon de Bosrand, een quiz, wordt de Oudste hond van de Dag in het zonnetje gezet, ontbreekt Angeliek Wick niet met haar prachtige tekeningen en boeken, kunt u zich in keltische kledij laten fotograferen en nog veel meer...
Ga voor meer informatie naar: Stichting de Ierse Wolfshond u bent met uw Ierse Wolfshond van harte welkom, dus graag tot 30 mei as.

zaterdag 1 mei 2010

Ierdie Young Dog & Veteran day 2010

Queens Day in Holland is for years the day the Dutch Irish Wolfhound Club organize a young dog & veteran specialty.

Was it in the past always a big happening with many dogs, last years the entries are unfortunately not that much. Also this time only 35 entries. The weather was not so good and because there was no accommodation we and the dogs could hide it was all a wet happening with very few visitors. Of course my friends and I made the whole event a happening for ourselves and my dogs did very well.

Maartje & Gijs, the owners of one nice girl from Erin's last litter Visa Versa Fionnmae "Britt" had entered her and she was 1st in her class.

Myself had entered Angel Baby Mavis Castle, my import girl, who was placed 3rd in a class of 8 bitches.

Both girls did very well and these days are such good training for young Irish Wolfhounds.

Later on the day the rain stopped and finally the organization turned on some music, this improved the atmosphere. We were all longing for this kind of specialties from the past when these specialties were something to remember for a long time.

Britt, 1 st place


Mirthe placed 3rd.